About Us
Aerial HotShots Pty Ltd is an aviation company working in South East Queensland, North Eastern New South Wales, and other areas on request. The company uses a Cessna 172 for its fixed wing manned aircraft operations and multiple multirotor and fixed wing drones.
About Aerial Hotshots
Aerial Hotshots has been operating since 2006 as an aviation company flying manned aircraft performing aerial photography, aerial survey and aerial spotting operations. Aerial Hotshots embraced the arrival of drone technology in 2014 and uses them to support its photography operations. Our aviation base, office and hangar, is located at at Archerfield Airport (Brisbane)

Aerial HotShots is a member of PAPA International, the Professional Aerial Photographer’s Association, whose members are aerial photographers throughout the world. PAPA International provides support to its membership to provide the best quality of service and products and is dedicated to the promotion of high business ethics.