Where Can Drones Operate
Drones Can Operate:
- Where there is no unreasonable risk of:
- Injury to Persons, or
- Damage to Property.
- Up to 400 feet (120Mtrs) above ground level (AGL),
- Greater than 3nm (5.5Km) from a aerodrome or Helicopter Landing Site.
- Outside of Restricted/Prohibited Airspace (e.g. Amberley Military Zone)
- In Good Weather Conditions (VMC)
- When you can remain 30 metres from people or property not involved in the operation.
Drones Cannot Operate:
Over a populated area unless the risk to persons or property can be mitigated.
In our job planning phase we look at risk mitigation strategies such as;
- Notifying/warning persons to stay indoors during operations,
- Having residents or bystanders stand in our ‘safe zone’,
- Time of day, (less people)
- Day of week, (less people)
- Erection of Signage and Safety Cones.
Airspace Considerations
The first thing to mention is that there are Cowboy operators out there and they will operate without any consideration for the below or the rules in general. They are operating illegally!!!.
There are two things to consider when it comes to airspace:
A. 3nm (5.5km) ‘No Fly Zone’ around Aerodromes such as Brisbane, Archerfield and the Gold Coast, and
B. Helicopter Landing Sites (HLS),
3NM (5.5KM) ‘No Fly Zone’ Around Aerodromes
The below airspace maps are provided as a guide to potential clients. The shaded area on these maps depicts the 3nm ‘No Fly’ zone around Brisbane, Archerfield and the Gold Coast Controlled Aerodromes. At this point in time AirServices Australia will not authorise any Drone flights within 3nm of a controlled aerodrome (the shaded areas in the below maps) due to aircraft separation issues. The links below allow you to zoom in on a map to better see the boundary and identify if your site is within the ‘no fly zone’.
if your site is within the shaded area we cannot do the job.
Brisbane – Shaded Area is ‘No Fly Zone’
Archerfield – Shaded Area is ‘No Fly Zone’
Gold Coast – Shaded Area is ‘No Fly Zone’
Helicopter Landing Sites (HLS) and Aircraft Landing Areas
These areas require special attention. Fortunately Aerial Hotshots has permission to operate in these areas but extra planning and equipment is required. As examples, If you consider the Brisbane CBD there are multiple Helicopter Landing Sites at Hospitals. The four hospitals to consider in Brisbane are;
- Mater Hospital – South Brisbane – YMAT
- The Prince Charles Hospital – Chermside YPRC
- The Princess Alexandra (PA) Hospital – Wooloongabba – YPRI
- Royal Brisbane Hospital – Herston -YRBH
In the job assessment and planning phases we need to consider these. As helicopters can arrive and depart at any time in these areas we are required to have a ‘safety controller’ onsite. The safety controller will monitor aviation radios and keep a look out for approaching aircraft. Jobs in these areas will cost extra due to the legal requirement to have a ‘safety controller’.
The Below Google Map Shows just how close 3 of these Hospitals are to the Brisbane CBD. H = Helipad
Helicopter Landing Sites (HLS) and Aircraft Landing Areas
The Below Google Map Shows just how close 3 of these Hospitals are to the Brisbane CBD. H = Helipad